CMMT-AS-C4-3A-EC-S1 (5340820) servo drive

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Fas­te­ning type As­sem­bly plate, scre­wed
ins­tal­la­tion po­si­tion Open convec­tion,
Pro­duct weight [g] 1.400
Dis­play LED green / yel­low / red
Ope­ra­ting ele­ment Op­tio­nal: Control unit CDSB
Com­plies to stan­dard EN 61800-​3,
EN 61800-​5-1,
EN 61800-​5-2,
EN ISO 13849-​1
Based on stan­dard EN 50581,
EN 60204-​1,
EN 61508-​1,
EN 61508-​2,
EN 61508-​3,
EN 61508-​4,
EN 61508-​5,
EN 61508-​6,
EN 61508-​7,
EN 61800-​2,
EN 62061
Per­mis­sion RCM Mark,
c UL us - Lis­ted (OL)
KC-​mark KC-​EMV
CE cer­ti­fi­cate (see de­cla­ra­tion of confor­mi­ty) acc. to EU-​EMV Di­rec­tive,
acc. to EU Ma­chine Di­rec­tive,
acc. to EU Low vol­tage Di­rec­tive,
acc. to EU-​RoHS Di­rec­tive
Cer­ti­fied awar­ding point UL E331130,
TÜV Rhein­land 01/205/5640.00/18
Bea­ring tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] -25 to 55
am­bient tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] 0 to 50
In­for­ma­tion about am­bient tem­pe­ra­ture Obe­rhalb der Um­ge­bung­stem­pe­ra­tur von 40 °C ist eine Leis­tungs­re­duk­tion von 3 %/°C ein­zu­hal­ten.
UL - am­bient tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] 0 to 40
Re­la­tive hu­mi­di­ty 5 - 90 %,
Not conden­sing
Max. setup height [MTR] 2.000
In­for­ma­tion about max. setup height From 1000 m power re­duc­tion by 1% per 100 m
Pro­tec­tion ca­te­go­ry IP20
Pro­tec­tion class I
Over-​voltage ca­te­go­ry III
De­gree of conta­mi­na­tion 2
Surge vol­tage strength [kV] 6
Ma­te­rial in­for­ma­tion LABS contai­ning ma­te­rials in­clu­ded,
RoHs com­pliant
Phase no­mi­nal ope­ra­ting vol­tage 1-​phase
No­mi­nal ope­ra­ting vol­tage AC [V] 230
Per­mit­ted vol­tage os­cil­la­tions -20 % / +15 %
Input vol­tage range AC [V] 100 to 230
Net­work fre­quen­cy [Hz] 48 to 62
No­mi­nal cur­rent load sup­ply [A] 5,6
Peak cur­rent load sup­ply [A] 16,8
Ac­tive PFC no
Net­work fil­ter in­te­gra­ted
Sys­tem vol­tage acc. to EN 61800-​5-1 [V] 300
Max. short cir­cuit re­sis­tance of the net­work [kA] 100
Net­work forms TT,
No­mi­nal vol­tage load sup­ply DC [V] 320
Per­mit­ted range load sup­ply -20 %/+15 %
Max. in­ter­me­diate cir­cuit vol­tage DC [V] 395
Bra­king re­sis­tance, in­te­gra­ted [Ohm] 100
Im­pulse power bra­king re­sis­tance [kVA] 1,6
Bra­king re­sis­tance pulse ener­gy [Ws] 230
Bra­king re­sis­tance no­mi­nal per­for­mance (IEC) [W] 23
Bra­king re­sis­tance, ex­ter­nal [Ohm] 67 bis 100
Max. conti­nuous power of the ex­ter­nal bra­king re­sis­tance (IEC) [W] 350
No­mi­nal vol­tage logic sup­ply DC [V] 24
Per­mit­ted range logic vol­tage ± 20 %
Power input logic sup­ply wi­thout par­king brake [A] 0,5
Power input logic sup­ply with par­king brake [A] 1,5
Max. power input for logic sup­ply, par­king brake and IO [A] 2,3
Out­put vol­tage range AC 3x (0 – Input) V
No­mi­nal cur­rent per phase, ef­fec­tive [A] 4
Peak cur­rent per phase, ef­fec­tive [A] 12
Max. peak cur­rent du­ra­tion [s] 2
No­mi­nal per­for­mance control­ler [VA] 700
Peak per­for­mance [VA] 2.000
Out­put fre­quen­cy [Hz] 0 to 599
Max. length motor line wi­thout ext. net­work fil­ter [MTR] 25
Max. out­put cur­rent hol­ding brake [A] 1
Max. vol­tage drop from logic sup­ply to brake out­put [V] 0,8
Quan­ti­ty of in­puts for motor tem­pe­ra­ture sen­sor 1
Ope­ra­ting mode control­ler Au­to­tu­ning,
P po­si­tion control­ler,
PI-​speed control­ler,
Setup mode,
In­ter­po­la­ted ope­ra­tion via field­bus,
Cas­cade control,
PI cur­rent control­ler for F or M,
Pro­file ope­ra­tion with set and di­rect ope­ra­tion,
Re­fe­rence run,
Syn­chro­nous ope­ra­ting modes
Ope­ra­ting mode 2x Input-​Capture (x, v, F),
2x Output-​Trigger (x, v, F),
1x SYNC-​interface for en­co­der emu­la­tion or en­co­der input,
2x po­si­tion sen­sor input,
Sam­pling rate 16 kHz,
Real time data re­cor­ding,
Field orien­ted control,
Po­si­tion re­so­lu­tion 24 bit/rev,
PWM with 8 or 16 KHz,
Vec­tor mo­du­la­tion with 3rd har­mo­nic
Ether­net in­ter­face, func­tion Pa­ra­me­te­ri­sing and com­mis­sio­ning
Ether­net in­ter­face, re­port TCP/IP
Field­bus in­ter­face, re­port Ether­CAT
Field­bus cou­pling Ether­CAT
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­file CiA402,
CoE (CA­No­pen over Ether­CAT),
EoE (Ether­net over Ether­CAT),
FoE (File over Ether­CAT)
Pro­cess cou­pling In­ter­po­la­ted Mode CSP,
In­ter­po­la­ted Mode CSV,
In­ter­po­la­ted Mode CST,
E/A Mode for 256 mo­bile sets
Field­bus in­ter­face, trans­fer rate 100 Mbit/s
Field­bus in­ter­face, connec­tion type 2x so­cket
Field­bus in­ter­face, connec­tion tech­no­lo­gy RJ45
En­co­der in­ter­face, func­tion ENDAT 2.1 sen­sor,
ENDAT 2.2 sen­sor,
Hi­per­face sen­sor,
In­cre­men­tal sen­sor,
SIN/COS sen­sor
En­co­der in­ter­face 2, func­tion In­cre­men­tal sen­sor,
SIN/COS sen­sor
Syn­chro­nous in­ter­face, func­tion Zähl­si­gnale CW/CCW,
Encoder-​Eingang A/B/Z,
En­co­de­re­mu­la­tion A/B/Z,
Puls-​Richtungssignale CLK/DIR
En­co­der out­put in­ter­face, pro­per­ties max. 16384 ppr,
1 MHz maxi­male Aus­gang­sfre­quenz
En­co­der input in­ter­face, pro­per­ties max. 16384 ppr,
1 MHz maxi­male Aus­gang­sfre­quenz
Quan­ti­ty di­gi­tal logic in­puts 12
Swit­ching logic in­puts PNP (Po­si­tive swit­ching)
Pro­per­ties logic in­puts par­tial­ly free­ly confi­gu­rable,
not gal­va­ni­cal­ly se­pa­ra­ted,
par­tial­ly sa­fe­ty in­puts
Logic input spe­ci­fi­ca­tion de­pen­ding on IEC 61131-​2, type 3
Work area logic input [V] -3 bis 30
Quan­ti­ty of high-​speed logic in­puts 2
Time re­so­lu­tion of high-​speed logic in­puts [µs] 1
Quan­ti­ty di­gi­tal logic out­puts 24 V DC 6
Swit­ching logic out­puts PNP (Po­si­tive swit­ching)
Pro­per­ties di­gi­tal logic out­puts par­tial­ly free­ly confi­gu­rable,
not gal­va­ni­cal­ly se­pa­ra­ted,
par­tial­ly diag­no­sis out­puts
Max. cur­rent di­gi­tal logic out­puts [mA] 20
Quan­ti­ty of high-​speed switch out­puts 2
Time re­so­lu­tion of high-​speed switch out­puts [µs] 1
Quan­ti­ty of zero po­ten­tial switch out­puts 1
Max. cur­rent of the zero po­ten­tial switch out­puts [mA] 50
Quan­ti­ty ana­logue tar­get value in­puts 1
Pro­per­ties tar­get value in­puts Dif­fe­ren­tial in­puts,
Confi­gu­rable for ro­ta­tio­nal speed,
Confi­gu­rable for cur­rent/force
Work area tar­get value input ± 10 V
Work area ana­logue in­puts ± 10 V
Im­pe­dance tar­get value input [kOhm] 70
Sa­fe­ty func­tion Safe swit­ched off torque (STO),
Safe bra­king controls (SBC),
Safe stop 1 (SS1)
Sa­fe­ty In­te­gri­ty Level (SIL) Safe swit­ched off torque (STO) / SIL 3 / SILCL 3,
Safe bra­king controls (SBC) / SIL 3 / SILCL 3
Per­for­mance Level (PL) Safe swit­ched off torque (STO) / Ca­te­go­ry 4, Per­for­mance Level e,
Safe bra­king controls (SBC) / Ca­te­go­ry 3, Per­for­mance Level e
Diag­nose de­gree of co­ve­rage [%] 97
SFF Safe Fai­lure Frac­tion [%] 99
Hard­ware error to­le­rance 1
Quan­ti­ty of safe 2-pin in­puts 2
Quan­ti­ty of diag­no­sis out­puts 2
Informations sur OT-FESTO072501
Poids 1.400 g / Pièce
Numéro des marchandises en douane 85044085
Fabricant Festo

Toutes les données sont fournies à titre de valeurs indicatives ! Nous n'assumons aucune responsabilité pour les sélections de données non confirmées par écrit. Les valeurs de pression correspondent, sauf indication contraire, à des fluides du groupe II à +20°C.
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